Journey of Truth. Journey of True.

Journey of Truth. Journey of True.


Hey there,

My name is Noelani TrueSpirit Casiano. Some of you might know me as, Lani or Lani True. Not many of you are aware where the name “Lani True” was derived from. The ‘True’ was in fact not chosen at random, but pulled from the middle name that I was given at birth. When I was younger I found my name to be odd and didn’t appreciate it. It wasn’t until I started to discover the light within me, and was able to see past all of my suffering, that I started to see how it resonated with me in this lifetime. The souls work is more powerful than we think or might even know. I believe that my soul chose this vessel and this life to live so that it would lead me here. There is an all knowing that many of us have yet to tap into. This knowing is something I’ve felt a strong gravitational pull towards starting back in 2012. This was when I first heard the words “Law Of Attraction”. I had no idea how deep that rabbit hole would go. Almost 6 years later, I can say I have experienced one hell of a lifetime through my twenties and discovered knowledge I never saw possible. I’ve been through things that many would probably have a difficult time believing. I’ve suffered greatly and carried baggage from not only myself, but my family as well.

Let’s get into why I’m even here sharing these words to begin with eh?

I have always enjoyed writing since I was a child, but in this day and age, I felt intimidated to turn my thoughts into pages that the world could see. Who would care about my pain? Who would care about my experiences? How could I help people if I felt so weak and like I could barely help myself? I lacked confidence in myself, and what I possibly could offer the world.

I was inspired to pick up writing again by a complete stranger that I had the pleasure of encountering in a coffee shop in NYC this month. It was my second day back in New York after moving from California. I had just finished my first job interview and decided to share a cup of hot chocolate with my very good friend Christina at Joe’s coffee shop. Shortly before Kevin introduced himself to us, I had received the email that said I got the job! The vibes were already high, and this encounter only reassured the alignment I was feeling at the moment. Kevin shared with both Christina and myself the visions he received of us and our own personal “gifts” you could say. He mentioned that he envisioned me as a writer and that my words would help people…so, here we are.

Through all of my life’s suffering, I have always felt this strong desire to help others. I knew I wasn’t the only one experiencing great pain. I knew that others had to be feeling these things too. Being an only child, I was always seeking someone to relate to. Often times I could never find the connection. This made me want to BECOME the connection for others. My goal is to assist as many of you as possible through earth’s great shift. As I learn, you learn. We are experiencing a mass awakening. Awakening from the illusions that the elite’s have developed over the years and through past generations. We are breaking free from the control. You yourself might even be currently experiencing some uncertainty in your beliefs, having questions, and seeking answers. Maybe you are not experiencing it yet at all, and that is okay. Each path is lead to the truth at the perfect time and pace for you.

I aim to build a diverse community of people. I believe that we all walk different paths during our human experiences, but there is one way we can all relate. That is through pain and suffering. Through pain we can find the love, and through love we can find the unity. Through unity we can find the peace as a planet.

Join me on our journey to freedom and peace and let’s learn together. I will unfold some of the darkest parts of myself to you, so that you may one day find comfort in your vulnerability, and the courage to face your darkness. I suffer and I endure, because on the other side, there is so much greatness, so much light. You will seek the light when you are ready, and I will be here with open arms waiting for you, my TrueSpirit’s. ❤

Cheers to greatness & waking up 😉


Lani True

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